Stop Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Advocacy Group Association of Canada (SAAHCAG) is a community organization to promote social harmony, fight racism, and build connection in Canada. It is incorporated in B.C., as a not-for-profit and non-partisan association of Canadians with Asian heritages.
Stop Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Advocacy Group mission statement:
- To fight against racism and end hate crimes in Canada;
- To raise awareness of the existence and seriousness of racism and hate crimes in Canada, to encourage the communities to monitor racist incidents and hate crime cases;
- To promote the sharing of information and knowledge regarding Canada’s laws, regulations, government action plans, law enforcement, and preventive strategies, and international and national initiatives to combat racism and hate crimes; and
- To promote social equality and multi-culturalism.
Statement: Concerns Over SITE’s Recent Foreign Interference Allegations
We urge the Canadian government to approach investigations into foreign interference with caution, ensuring that they are free from inherent biases and stereotypes. WeChat, as a globally recognized social media platform, is widely used by individuals from diverse backgrounds, including both Chinese and non-Chinese communities in Canada. It serves as an essential tool for communication and information exchange. Many organizations— including media outlets, businesses, universities, non-profit entities, government agencies, and elected officials—use WeChat to disseminate information in Chinese. For example, ...
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