Media Critics: Grand Echoes! Summer Music Festival

2023 (uploading):

Richmond News: Richmond Concert Party Celebrates Equality and Inclusion

New Times TV reports: Second annual Music on the Summer Festival in Richmond

MinnPost reports: Richmond Summer Music Festival, a theme of equality, inclusion and reflection, coincides with 100th anniversary of Chinese Exclusion Act

Sing Tao reports: Summer Music Festival opens with a bang, showcasing the spirit of equality and diversity

Phoenix TV: 0703 Americas News

StarTribune: Summer Music Festival to be held in Richmond this month to promote community awareness of municipal elections


OMNI TV, Aug. 11 press release: Chinese Canadian Voting Promotion Council to hold event to promote Chinese voting

Richmond News, Aug. 11 press release: Concert in Richmond to highlight municipal candidates, August 11 Press Release: Lawn Music Festival invites municipal candidates to discuss politics Chinese Canadian Voting Promotion Conference to raise voting awareness, Aug. 21 live news report: Chinese organization hosts lawn music festival to encourage Chinese to vote in elections

Mingpao-Canada West, August 21, detailed report: Chinese organizations hold lawn music festival to encourage Chinese to vote in elections

Sing Tao Daily, Aug. 21: Vancouver to hold city election in October: Politicians, Chinese groups call for ballot influence

Star Island, Aug. 21: Children with autism move to raise money to help others

City TV, Aug. 21: Richmond music tour promotes awareness of October city election

Phoenix Americana, Aug. 22: Lawn Music Festival a success, calls for awareness of city elections

Richmond News, Aug. 22: Photos: Chinese-Canadians encouraged to vote in upcoming election

Talentvision TV, Aug. 22: Richmond music tour promotes awareness of October city election

Central Video, Aug. 24: Canadian Lawn Music Festival – Making Chinese voices louder!