Statement of Condemnation on the Hate Crime in Okanagan

The racially motivated assault during a secondhand car inspection deeply distresses us. Acts driven by xenophobia and ignorance have no place in a nation that prides itself on multiculturalism. Within the country that values diversity, nobody should endure violence and discrimination. As advocates against hate crimes, we strongly demand a comprehensive and transparent investigation into…

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Another graffiti in Vancouver Chinatown? Direct provoke and threat!

Stop Asian Hate_China town

  Last month, several witnesses reported that a group of young men in clown wigs splashed a red substance onto the walls of Vancouver’s Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. According to the executive director, the suspects were filming the incident while they were splashing the “fake blood”. It is clearly a message of anti-Asian…

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The story of Asian-Canadians is the story of Canada

Author: BRANDT C. LOUIE, THE GLOBE AND MAIL Brandt C. Louie is the owner, chairman and CEO of H.Y. Louie and London Drugs. A family, a community, a country, is made up of the stories it tells. Over time, these stories form culture and history. Whether we’re aware of it or not, they become our…

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