【加拿大乐活网lahoo.ca 讯】随着人们对亚裔歧视的重视,越来越多的案件得到社区关注。2021年3月底列治文渔人码头咖啡馆女店主被两位欧裔顾客辱骂种族歧视性语言并被女顾客将热咖啡泼在脸上一事,在华裔社区引发震动。
APRIL 7, 2021
MLARA (Maple Leafs Anti-Racism Actions Association) stands against racism.
We demand action against acts of hate, hate crimes, and discrimination against people of Asian background in Canada.
On March 29 at 3.15 p.m., a man and a woman were filmed in the assault and racial abuse of a female Asian staff of a coffee shop on Moncton Street in Richmond. Police said they have arrested a suspect for assault but not for a hate crime in connection to the incident. The male suspect has also been filmed previously in 2019 making anti-Chinese hate comments.
MLARA and its supporters condemn this act of racial hate that has led to violence against a person of colour. We call upon the Richmond RCMP to revise its investigation to that of a hate crime, and for the Crown to press charges against the suspect in view of the solid evidence that has been presented. We believe the B.C. justice system and law enforcement agencies will do the right thing to uphold justice and protect all racial minority in our community.
On February 18, Premier John Horgan was reported to have called “for action on hate crimes” following an alarming increase in anti-Asian hate crimes.
Vancouver police data shows anti-Asian hate crimes surged by 717 percent, from a dozen in 2019 to 142 incidents in 2020.
MLARA calls upon Premier Horgan and the B.C. NDP government to make good its call and push for the prosecution of the violent racist act by this couple. This is needed to set an example that crimes against people on the basis of race must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Such racist behaviour and acts will continue if the government and enforcement agencies do not make it a criminal act.
The incident comes in the wake of the massacre in Atlanta, US, where eight people were shot dead including six Asian women, underlines the growing threat of racially-motivate hate against ethnic Asians in North America.
As an organization established in Vancouver, B.C., MLARA supported the #STOP ASIAN HATE event hosted on March 28, 2021 at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Racism has no place in Canada! We must stand together to fight against racial and ethnic discrimination. Canada is built by immigrants who came to this country from around the world. We must unite as Canadians to build a better Canada for our children, and the generations to come.
据报道,在针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪事件急剧增加之后,卑诗省省长约翰·霍根(John Horgan)在2月18日的一次媒体会议上呼吁“对仇恨犯罪采取行动”。
MLARA呼吁省长霍根(Horgan)和卑诗省新民主党政府积极回应我们的诉求, 起诉这对夫妇的暴力种族主义行为。这需要以身作则,以族裔为基础所犯的仇恨罪行必须在法律的全部范围内受到起诉。如果政府和执法机构不将其定性为仇恨犯罪行为,则这种种族主义言行将继续存在。
作为在卑诗省温哥华市成立的非牟利组织,MLARA支持于2021年3月28日在温哥华美术馆前举办的#STOP ASIAN HATE活动。
种族主义在加拿大没有地位!我们必须站在一起反对种族主义及基于肤色的族裔歧视。加拿大是一个由来自世界各地的移民建立的国家。我们必须团结所有加拿大人,一起努力, 为子孙后代建设一个更好的国家。
未经允许不得转载:加拿大乐活网 » 大温华社关注“泼咖啡”事件:枫叶反歧视协会致BC省长、省司法厅、列治文市府及RCMP的公开信